Full-Screen Gallery Post
This is a post with post format gallery and the [gallery]
shortcode inserted into the body of the post. When you set the post format to gallery, the theme...
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This is a post with post format gallery and the [gallery]
shortcode inserted into the body of the post. When you set the post format to gallery, the theme...
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This is an image post. There's isn't really anthing special about it, other than selecting the "Image" post format. We've still just applied a featured image and set it... Read more
This is a post with post format gallery and the [gallery]
shortcode inserted into the body of the post. When you set the post format to gallery, the theme...
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Here's a video formatted post. All I've done is set the post format to "Video" and place the URL to a vimeo video in the content of the post.... Read more
[blockquote quote=”Social awkwardness is often the curse of genius.” source=”U.S. Deputy Marshall, Raylan Givens”] For a quote post, you can just but a blockquote at the start of your... Read more
This post contains a little conversation between the Jim Halpert and Dwight. A little tit-for-tat. Oh, Dwight... he's at it, again! Read more
http://www.google.com For a “link” post, just put the URL of the link (i.e. http://google.com) or a standard HTML link on the first line of your post’s content. This URL... Read more
This is an aside post. Use it to share little tidbits of info. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et... Read more
Sorry, folks! I’m running late. That damn dog just wouldn’t do his business. I’ll be at the rink in 5… This is essentially the same as an aside post,... Read more