At the base of our framework’s frontend core, you’ll find the integration of Twitter Bootstrap and FontAwesome. We’ve done our best to give you the features of Twitter Bootstrap without your website screaming, “I used Bootstrap,” when people view it for the first time.
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- Consistency: The greatest part of Bootstrap is taking care of the nitty-gritty items providing us with a solid base for all typographic elements. This will ensure that working with your pages and posts will provide a consistent, user-friendly experience.
- Fluid grid system: The Bootstrap grid system is an important part of the theme’s structure. We’ve taken Bootstrap’s fluid, 12-column grid system, and expanded it to also include a 10-column system, as well. This new super grid system gets used everywhere you see a set of columns in the theme, from the top-level sidebar layouts to the columns of the Layout Builder and Shortcode Generator.
- FontAwesome: FontAwesome, Bootstrap, and this theme work great together. With FontAwesome, you’re given a huge library of vectorized fonts you can use all throughout your content, shortcodes, menus, and in in various Layout Builder elements.
- Shortcodes and Builder Elements: With our Shortcodes plugin and Layout Builder plugin, you’ll find so many cool enhancements thanks to the theme packing Bootstrap. Make sure to explore them all.
- Child theme development: And of course, don’t forget your Child theme development. Take advantage of anything form the Bootstrap documentation in your Child themes.